
“Endlessly thankful for Chloe’s incredibly encompassing support”

I can honestly say that I had never been so excited about what I was learning, the work I was doing, and the development of my career goals as when I worked with Chloe. My experience with Chloe in her capacity as a consultant for Psychology Doctoral Prep was superb. The program she designed is perfectly curated to be comprehensive - attending to every detailed step of a long and complicated process and organized in an easy-to-understand and accessible way - while at the same time remaining flexible to different timelines and program choices. From deciding if graduate study was a good fit for me to the last deeply stressful interviews and tearful decisions, Chloe provided thoughtful and constant encouragement and support. Her perspective always managed to provide clarity and confidence to an otherwise overwhelming process, and her ever-speedy response time was both impressive and endlessly helpful for those near-deadline requests. Chloe’s emotional and professional guidance has been undeniably critical to my success. I am so thankful for Chloe’s help in getting me to this moment at a place that I genuinely feel is perfect for me.

Most importantly, Chloe has been a model of a woman pursuing her passions and excelling along the way. Merely from observation, I have learned so much about goal setting, clarity of purpose, time management, and networking. I am endlessly thankful for Chloe’s incredibly encompassing support of my education and career. I am awed by how she fits all that she does into a 24-hour day, but I hope to follow Chloe’s example both in her successes and in her selfless support of young aspiring psychologists.

-Doctoral student, University of Washington, Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program

"I am now at my dream PhD program and could not be happier"

Chloe was a phenomenal help throughout my application process to clinical psychology doctoral programs. Without her sharp eye and extremely knowledgeable support, I likely would not have had the great success I did in obtaining my acceptances. After months of researching programs on my own and trying to figure out what they wanted, Chloe quickly and confidently demystified the process for me-- it can be very confusing and obscure to a non-psychology major looking to switch careers! I never expected to have so much success, and Chloe deserves a great deal of credit in helping me shape my candidacy and receive the best possible outcome in return. When I met Chloe my confidence had been pretty diminished by  experiences in another field, and I had no idea how to assess the risk involved in trying to enter this field or to assess how doctoral programs would view my application overall.  But with Choe's help I was able to turn my reservations around, write a polished, self-confident personal statement, and choose the very best schools for me to maximize my odds. I am now at my dream PhD program and could not be happier. I recommend Chloe's services to anyone looking to enter this very difficult, but ultimately extremely rewarding field, as she has conquered it and will help you get there, too!

-Doctoral student, LIU Brooklyn, Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program

“Chloe is a major part of the reason that I am in a program I love”

Applying to graduate school can be overwhelming. It sometimes felt like I was working so hard for an unobtainable or far-off goal, and I knew I could use some help from someone who had personally been through the process. That's where Psychology Doctoral Prep came in (and saved more than the day as far as I'm concerned!). I initially only planned to work with Chloe on my personal statement; however, she was such a phenomenal resource that I also signed up for help with interview prep and practice. Chloe is professional, good-humored, and excellent at identifying core (and even minute) areas for improvement on your application. As my peers stressed about perfecting their personal statements, it was a relief to know that she was in my corner. She helped me power through moments of indecisiveness and changed my perspective on the process. Chloe is a major part of the reason that I am in a program I love, embarking on my professional graduate career. I wholeheartedly recommend her services and I cannot imagine a better person to help you with your own application process. Thanks, Chloe!

-Doctoral student, Fordham University, Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program

“I am now attending my dream program”

Working with Chloe was one of the most rewarding collaborative experiences I've had to date. While that may sound grandiose, our working relationship taught me as much about the graduate application process as it did about myself and where I can get in (and out of) my own way. She broke everything down into clear manageable parts, with the perfect balance of set deadlines and flexibility, understanding that I was working a full-time position while applying to graduate school.

She provided honest and straightforward feedback on personal statements, and helped me connect my experiences into a cohesive narrative. Her CV edits changed the way I think about my work and contributions to projects, all while modeling a level of precise editing and technical expertise I hope to emulate within my own work.

Chloe pushed me to prepare for parts of the application/interview process I would have glossed over, and I feel that those extra bits set me apart from other applicants. I could not be more grateful for her guidance. I am now attending my dream program, the one that from the beginning I never imagined I would be offered an interview for, let alone be attending. Without Chloe, I wouldn't have been prepared for all the twists and turns of this process, and I couldn't be more thankful to have her in my corner. I cannot recommend her enough! 

-Doctoral student, University of Washington, Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program

"I would absolutely recommend [Chloe] to anybody" 

I had applied to PhD programs before and experienced rejection. I was struggling to put together a premise for a personal statement that really strung together my passion and the assets that I could bring to a program in a way that was as genuine and compelling while still being different from previous ones. Chloe's affability, preparation, and insight provided the space and guidance for me to explore parts of my experience that I hadn't seen in a way that felt natural and joyful. Her guidance was not only thematic, but also supportive! Prior rejection left me doubting my fit and after working with Chloe, I was better able to see and express the parts of my experience that I would then highlight in my CV and personal statement. Her master of academic writing helped my writing's clarity and succinctness, as well as providing ways to write about difficult subjects without weighing too heavily on the reader. I plan on reviewing my notes from our sessions in the years to come. I would absolutely recommend her to anybody wondering where to begin or simply looking for another pair of eyes on their essay.

-Doctoral student, CUNY Queens College, Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program

“I could not recommend Psychology Doctoral Prep enough”

Overall, I could not recommend Psychology Doctoral Prep enough. From the beginning to the end of the application process, Chloe provided consistent and invaluable support, which undeniably fostered my success.  At the beginning of the process, I was struggling to narrow down the list of programs to which I was applying. However, with Chloe’s comprehensive knowledge and personalized advice, I was able to determine which programs were best aligned with my needs and goals. Additionally, with Chloe’s unwavering and detail-oriented guidance, I was able to construct an excellent CV and personal statement, both of which thoughtfully highlighted my experiences in an organized and succinct manner. Further, the interview prep was another key aspect in my ability to attain positive results. With Chloe’s incredible and unique insight into the crucial details surrounding the interview process, I became mindful of several subtle, yet significantly meaningful components that I would not have been aware of without her guidance. Finally, when it came down to deciding between several programs to which I was admitted, with Chloe’s phenomenal expertise as well as her calm demeanor, she was able to reduce my stress and anxiety, and guide me towards an optimal decision.

The process of applying to doctoral programs can be tedious, taxing, and confusing, rendering mentorship invaluable. All in all, I could not be more satisfied with my decision to choose Chloe as my mentor.

-Doctoral student, Fordham University, School Psychology Ph.D. Program

“Especially appreciative of Chloe's genuine care”

I was in the thick of the application process when I reached out to Chloe. I had conquered the GREs, narrowed down a list of doctoral programs, and even drafted my statement of purpose. However, the stress of the application process was getting to me. Choosing to apply to a psych doctoral program was a weighty decision and the stakes felt high. Even though I had invested a lot of time and energy into my application, I felt unsure that my passions were translating onto paper and that I was doing my best to showcase my strengths. Chloe helped me overcome these doubts and provided tremendous support in two important stages of my application: editing the statement of purpose and later, preparing for interviews. In carefully listening to me articulate my research and clinical interests, Chloe assured me that I knew *what* to say and helped me with the *how*. Chloe is a great mentor - she provided constructive and timely feedback but more importantly, she made me feel confident about my capabilities and taught me how to stay true to myself while not selling myself short. I was especially appreciative of Chloe's genuine care for her mentees and her thoughtful and organized methods. I recommend Chloe's services to anyone feeling lost in the application process!

-Doctoral student, Columbia University, Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Program

“I have been accepted to my dream program, and I owe a lot of that to Chloe”

When I first reached out to Chloe, I had a lot of ideas but a lack of direction. I knew the type of programs I wanted to apply to, but it was difficult for me to figure out what those programs were looking for. Chloe helped me put all my ideas on paper and steered me in the right direction based on my ideal programs. There were steps to applying that I probably never would have considered, such as reaching out to potential research advisors before sending my applications. During a year that was extremely challenging and nerve-wracking, Chloe helped me to simplify the process by outlining my steps for the year and timeframe in which I wanted to accomplish those goals. I have now been accepted to my dream program, and I owe a lot of that to Chloe. I went into the application process with a lot of great experiences, and Chloe supported me by helping me to display those experiences in a professional and intriguing way. 

-Doctoral student, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Clinical-Community  Ph.D. Program

“Chloe truly cares about the success of her mentees and it is evident in her thorough, honest, and thoughtful advice.”

As you may come to realize, applying to doctoral programs is an overwhelming and anxiety evoking process. I found myself constantly stressed out and questioning myself, despite my many accomplishments. During my initial phone consultation with Chloe, I felt my anxiety level decrease substantially. She quickly understood my career goals and interests, and after our brief conversation, I knew I wanted to work with her. Having Chloe in my corner to ask questions, bounce ideas off of, and vent to about this grueling process was extremely beneficial. With Chloe’s help, I was able to set realistic goals and effectively highlight what made me unique in my application materials. Chloe truly cares about the success of her mentees and it is evident in her thorough, honest, and thoughtful advice. Chloe is professional, extremely detail oriented, and knowledgeable about the field. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking support and guidance during the application process, her insight and experience is invaluable. Her strategic advice and expertise played a big role in my multiple acceptances, including one of my top programs! 

-Doctoral student, Hofstra University, Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program

"Expert mentorship"

Chloe is an expert in academic writing and I am positive that her tips and techniques will continue to serve me throughout my career. Chloe’s mentorship style strikes the perfect balance of involvement and support when needed, while allowing her mentees to take the lead and make decisions. In addition to her expert mentorship, Chloe is extremely passionate, intelligent, and dedicated, and her commitment to her work continues to inspire me.

-Doctoral student, University at Buffalo - State University of New York, Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program

"A priceless asset"

Chloe’s steadfastness, attention to detail, and genuine concern for her students have made her stand out as a priceless asset.  I was particularly impressed by her incredible support and receptiveness towards mentees like myself, in which she always fostered a supportive and flexible environment that was conducive to my growth as an academic. The ability to maintain a sense of professionalism and effectively complete her work while prioritizing the needs and demands of her mentees is an ability that most do not develop easily - but Chloe has mastered this.  Any individual would be fortunate to work with Chloe!

-Doctoral student, City College of New York, Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program

“Helped to shape my own goals and priorities”

Chloe exhibits the ideal characteristics of a mentor. She is incredibly supportive, creating an environment of trust that can only be fostered through respect and understanding. She welcomes all questions and answers, even the smallest ones, without condescension. Chloe’s feedback is detailed and specific, leading to further learning and better overall work. She becomes an expert of everything she works on, from her research to her mentees. Chloe’s advice in terms of professional development and graduate school is always valuable, and hearing about her experiences and the work she has put into her own career has helped to shape my own goals and priorities.

-Graduate, New York University, Applied Psychology Undergraduate Studies

"Better than anything I could have asked for"

Not only was Chloe’s communication excellent, particularly when it came to answering questions or making sure expectations were clear, but she also knew the importance of constructive feedback (both handing out feedback and accepting feedback). Chloe was better than anything I could have asked for; she was entirely supportive of me and what I wanted, and was always willing to do whatever she could to breed my success in the moment and also set me up for success in the future.

-Graduate, New York University, Applied Psychology Undergraduate Studies